October 2, 2009

Support them... They support you.

If you are unaware - there are more than 3000 soldiers deploying very shortly from Texas. This is the largest deployment of National Guard soldiers since WWII from Texas. It is going to leave giant holes in families all across our state.

If you know someone who has a family member who is deploying, or is deployed - PLEASE contact a Oplove photographer in your area and utilize their services. These are priceless photos - and the albums sent to the deployed soldier is one of the most prized possessions while they are deployed.

The reason for this blog entry however, is that if you know someone who has a family member who is deploying or is deployed - please - reach out and support them.

It's my personal experience that the family members left behind have a harder time than the soldiers who deploy. We try to keep 'home' together, when there is a big part of what is 'home' thousands of miles away. There is no one coming home at the end of the day to lend a helping hand with the two year old... or to stop by the grocery store on his or her way home. There is not one to just give you a hug at the end of the day... when it's been a rather rotten day. The person you talk to... you tell about the things your kids did that drove you bonkers... you get to talk to once a week... if your lucky.

It's the little things that you don't always appreciate occurring, that make the biggest difference when the soldier is deployed.

So, if you know someone... if someone you know - knows someone - invite the family to dinner... invite him or her to do something with just the boys... or just the girls.... offer to take the kids to the park so they can have a couple hours of quiet time...

Support the families... so that they can support the soldiers.... so that the soldiers can do their jobs, and support our country.




Rocco and Ava's Mommy October 4, 2009 at 2:02 PM  

I love your post! My brother has been in the military for almost 25 years and has seen his share of deployment including two to Iraq. Those boys over there and those who have gone deserve much appreciate from all for risking their lives and leaving their loved ones behind. They are honorable, faithful and courageous to say the least!

About This Blog

On my blog, I show off the latest session images, so that for your session, you can get a sneak peek on how your session went. You can also send your friends a quick link to see your wonderful pictures. Comments are ALWAYS appreciated!

From time to time, I also post about upcoming events & specials and photography things that I think are worth sharing with you.

So sit back, grab yourself a cup of coffee, and enjoy!

About Your Photographer

Katy, Texas, United States
Highly trained Starbucks drinker, annoyingly energetic morning person with some other traits that are designed to make you enjoy your time with me. Donna Beard Photography Phone: 281-513-1355

Contact me!

Main Website: Donna Beard Photography
Phone: 281-513-1355
Email Me: contact@dbeardphotography.com

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