October 5, 2009

72nd Deployment Ceremony

I, along with several thousand others in Houston, was proud to attend the 72nd Deployment Ceremony yesterday at Minute Maid Park.

The weather was rather foul - it rained... and rained... and rained...

But there were American Flags all over the place. These are just a few of the hundreds of images I took... but I thought I'd share:

Marching onto the field:



Lots of soldiers


Lots of cheering friends and family:


My soldier! ;-)


During the ceremony:


Mayor Bill White:


They let the kids run the bases... not sure if you can see the big cheesy grin on Sarah's face... she LOVES to run! Tori does such a great job with her!


Our little one found daddy....and was holding on tight!


One of my favorites:


This one - is a panorama image - this is the VERY small version:


If you'd like a link to the full sized image - let me know - it's HUGE! 27 MB - so be prepared if you do not have a fast connection. It's a pencil portrait version of a larger photo. I liked it...


About This Blog

On my blog, I show off the latest session images, so that for your session, you can get a sneak peek on how your session went. You can also send your friends a quick link to see your wonderful pictures. Comments are ALWAYS appreciated!

From time to time, I also post about upcoming events & specials and photography things that I think are worth sharing with you.

So sit back, grab yourself a cup of coffee, and enjoy!

About Your Photographer

Katy, Texas, United States
Highly trained Starbucks drinker, annoyingly energetic morning person with some other traits that are designed to make you enjoy your time with me. Donna Beard Photography Phone: 281-513-1355

Contact me!

Main Website: Donna Beard Photography
Phone: 281-513-1355
Email Me: contact@dbeardphotography.com

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